Tuesday, February 23, 2010

East Africa Earthquake

The earthquake happpened on the 5th of December, 2005 at 08:19:56 p.m.(singapore time)/02:19:57 p.m. at epicenter/12:19:56 p.m. (GMT). It happened in the Lake Tanganyika region Congo-Tanzania.

Plates sliding past one another also known as the lateral slipping plate movement was probably linked to the event. The earthquake probably happened when the African plate and the Somali plate moved sideways against each other which results in a tremendous amount of friction, making the movement jerky. Both of the plates slip, then stick as the friction and pressure build up along locked portion of the crust where earthquake faults are. When the pressure becomes too much for on the faults to withstand, the pressure is being released. The plates suddenly jerk apart resultng in the earthquake.The magnitude of the earthquake was 6.8.

The earthquake destroyed an estimated of 300 houses, burying several people under the roofs, killing or injuring them at the time of the earthquake. The earthquake have also created cracks in some of the buildings in Nairobi.

I think that the goverment can subsidise the cost of building a sturdy houses for the residents and educate them with basic insructions on what to do in time of emergency to minimze damage and casualties from such events.








Sunday, February 14, 2010

Eruption of Mount Nyamulagira (Just for fun) :))

The volcano eruption happened at around 10:00 p.m. local time on November 27, 2006. It happened in the eastern of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). As Mount Nyamulagira is a sheild volcano, it was probably formed when two plates move away in opposite directions, a gap was formed and thus hot lava formed from the magma derived form the Earth mantle, rises through this gap. The lava then flows for some distance over the surface before it sets and thus forming the broad and low volcano, Mount Nyamulagira.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010